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Re: Pete -
In Response To: Pete - ()

Would you please share with me where you've seen the newer studies that show masks don't really work? I promise you I'm not trying to start an argument or cause Chip Board War MMXX; I would like to see what the latest studies show in things like better alternatives to masks, reducing the spread, things like that.

Thank you for the knowledge, Pete. I appreciate it.

Nah no offense, various sources "claim" that masks don't filter enough for the small particles. I'm not even going to add that how they fit or how people wear them wrong is part of that. Just the cloth masks. Others have concluded, there's no significant difference between people wearing masks and those that don't.

I don't know about this source? Daily Mail grin

"The World Health Organization (WHO) says face shields can help prevent the virus, scientifically called SARS-CoV-2.

But the agency says they only work in combination with other safety measures such as wearing a mask, social distancing, and frequent hand-washing."

In other words, masks along with face shields, may be better, but it appears that face shields alone, are ineffective.

Another: (on topic to your question) Among those who reported known direct exposure to a COVID-19-virus positive person, those wearing an N95 mask had a significantly lower rate of developing antibodies (10.2%) compared with workers who wore surgical masks or other masks (13.1%) or no mask at all (17.5%). Plus after they published their study saying cotton masks were ineffective, they retracted it because "...their statistical methods could not determine whether the findings were reliable, making the results of the small study "uninterpretable."

Note the different kinds of masks vs no mask. I'll say, I wear a mask when I'm out near other people. I don't have N95 masks, I have some that came from the local department store. Which would put me in the 13.3 vs 17.5, and is that a significant value of difference. I don't know.

Fudge factors: A study has suggested that face masks are an effective method for containing the spread of the virus, used along with staying six feet apart from other people. (my bold) grin I'm an advocate that staying six feet from people is only second to staying away from all people.

I think we're getting a whole lot of "We don't know, but we think this might be better" shot out at us. Plus the denial side, going as far as saying, it's no worse than the flu? Which is totally distorted and convoluted math.

The Federalist, once again, reliable? I mean this is the Internet where factoids become truth.

November 18, 2020: A high-quality, large-scale Danish study finds no evidence that wearing a face mask significantly minimizes people’s risk of contracting COVID-19. The randomized-control trial found no statistically significant difference in coronavirus infection rates between mask-wearers and non-mask-wearers. In fact, according to the data, mask usage may actually increase the likelihood of infection.

I'm trying to be fair and decipher the difference between, click bait and facts, politics and the truth. I don't claim to know, and some days, I doubt that the CDC actually knows. They just give best advice for what they do know, and some of that seems to be undetermined, so they error on the side of being cautious.

Here's another tidbit: N95 respirators with valves do allow unfiltered exhaled air to reach others, increasing the risk of spreading infection.

No one in science, like the CDC, has recommended NOT wearing masks and there's no danger from CO2 as some claim. How silly is that? I mean all these years wearing masks for other things, and suddenly there's a hazard we never knew of? Denial

I'm not going to presume that I know, but rather than I have no idea, because of the mixed information and sources with an agenda that push their version of the truth. But I personally have read between the lines and even supposedly unbiased research sources are saying essentially this. While there's no significant evidence that a mask makes a difference, they might. Social distancing is the best prevention.

I'll fall back on free choice and everyone decide what's best for your lifestyle and situation.

I hope that was a fair answer Cale. I'm not a health professional. I only collected various sources of what I thought was related information. There appear to be many unknowns and contradictions.

Looking forward to the vaccine for all of us.

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It appears folks are finally getting serious; C-19
Also, of big concern here in town (no polly-ticks)
Re: It appears folks are finally getting serious;
The bright side; thru my eyes ~~~
There were 17,344 new cases in Florida, Friday
Excellent... and Bravo to the disciplined.
Pete -
Re: Pete -

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