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Sheldon Smith Memorial SNCCC After-Meeting Report

The Sheldon Smith Memorial SNCCC After-Meeting Report...

As noted previously, this Report is now named the “The Sheldon Smith Memorial SNCCC After Meeting Report”, and more simply as the “Smith Report”.

The November Meeting of the SNCCC was held on the Tuesday, the 10th of November at the Gold Coast Hotel and Casino, starting at: 6 PM through 8:02 PM. This meeting was deemed to be a Holiday event, and we enjoyed catering services of sandwich's (cold cuts), chips, lemonade and salted nuts. All of which was staff-served, much like a buffet line. We also enjoyed a yummy, marble sheet cake from an outside vendor.

Every SNCCC member was given a raffle ticket upon entry, for the Member's-Only Raffle event. Raffled items were donations from various SNCCC members as well as Boyd Gaming. Included were Terri Lonski, Jerry Vergatos, Pam Focazio, Tree Shields, Rich Klabacha and Steve Palumbo . Every attending member received a prize! The monthly auction was purposely delayed until 7:15, to allow bidders to eat first and not have to call out bids with full mouths. (LOL) Attached is the Prices Realized results of the auction. The SNCCC thanks those who provide auction items and those who place bids.

Following the auction, Jim Follis, as a representative of the CCA's Museum of Gaming History (MoGH) gave a presentation on the MoGH's effort to put a Milestone Exhibit into the Neon Museum about the Moulin Rouge. This is because the Neon Museum just recently, had the Moulin Rouge sign restored and lit-up and is considering having the MoGH set-up a display of Moulin Rouge collectibles and memorabilia. On-hand was a grouping of Moulin Rouge items, courtesy of Bill Lange, Janice O'Neal and Jim Follis.

There were 27 members and guests in attendance at the meeting, which was video recorded and broadcast to Facebook, courtesy of Ron Gaudette, who travels all the way from Barstow, CA for each meeting. Thank you Ron! The Business portion of the meeting was Call to Order at 7:51 PM, by President Vergatos, with Reports from Jim Follis, Secretary (reading of the Minutes from the October meeting), Terri Lonski, Treasurer (reporting a balance of $7,279.33) and Pam Focazio, Membership (reporting paid membership at 156).

There was no Old Business to discuss. New Business was discussed, wherein, the December Meeting will take place at the Late, Michael Spinetti's home, courtesy of Mike's widow, Anne Spinetti. This event is a SNCCC Members-only event, and is limited to 40 attendees only, on a first come, first served RSVP basis. ALL requests must be processed through President Vergatos at: This portion of the meeting was adjourned at 8:02 PM.

Afterwards, we conducted our regular raffle, a 50/50 and prizes.

Jim Follis for Sheldon Smith

In a separate development, SNCCC President, Jerry Vergatos, has been able to renew our use of the Gold Coast meeting room facilities for another year. This action is courtesy of Mr. Mike Musicaro, VP of Operations, Gold Coast and The Orleans Casinos, Boyd Gaming.

Thank you Mike, and Jerry!

Here are few pictures from the meeting.

Jim Follis
SNCCC Secretary

Auction Prices Realized

Copyright 2022 David Spragg