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for sale I've got NV chips to trade AND for sale for sale

I normally don't like selling my traders, preferring to trade book value for book value. Since the availability of chips I'm looking for is getting scarce, I'm going to allow sales of my over 500 traders for a limited time. If you login to the Chip Guide (Chip Guide account and CCA membership required) and go to "Trade Maker" (on left below your "logon"), select your own want list and (give it several seconds) you'll be presented with a list of members who have entered chips they have available for trade. Scroll down to my name and if it's green, I have chips you want. If you see something you like, I'll sell it as follows: book value A-M = 100% of low book value; book value N-Y = 150% of low book value; and book value of Z1 and up for 200% of book value. "THAT SEEMS HIGH!", I hear you say. Yes, it absolutely is, because I really don't want to sell them. I want to trade them, and if you have any chips in my want list (there's a link in my signature below), let's do a trade. Buyer pays $5 shipping for up to 13oz for free first class package shipping with tracking. Free shipping/tracking for orders over $300.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg