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I'm sorry you see it that way

People are just joining in to show what they have and what they know. You don't have to respond unless you want to, so no work required. I think we all appreciate you showing what you have. It's a hobby. It's all for fun.

My response here is to Dick Bartley's post, so it is not in response to your chips at all. My post includes high resolution scans limited to the logo portions of two of my chips, which are they same as the left two that Dick posted, and I am showing in detail why the two are different, beyond the subtle color difference. The two chips you posted are both the same type. There is not any difference in the logos on them, so you won't be able to see the differences I am illuminating on Dick's chips. I hope this helps.

Michael Siskin

Messages In This Thread

Happy sunny chips!!!
Very Colorful Chips....
Re: Very Colorful Chips....
Casablanca, Aruba...
Re: Casablanca, Aruba...
Re: Casablanca, Aruba...
Re: Casablanca, Aruba...
You have two of the same variety. Dick shows both
Dick's third chip is...
The left two are two different chips
Re: The left two are two different chips
I'm sorry you see it that way

Copyright 2022 David Spragg