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I have an 11 and 15 year

old time consumming, noise making but chip collecting example in the house.
So, start the music, don't worry, be happy!
The hobby is still out there, it just evolved as all things do.
Now you have people collecting stacks and barrels or trying to make full poker sets.
As long as there is allways someone to pick up the hobby in a historical context the hobby will be of value also for people not carring about chips but about the history.
Isn't gambling as G.J. Nellens said "Le gout de jeu est plus universel que le gout du pain." freely translated as " The hunger for the game is bigger than the hunger for bread." one of the cornerstones of ouer society? Will we stop taking risks as we go into the next decades? No, so all items showing how brave we men are taking these risks will be collected, from guns to chips.
Jo from Belgium.

Messages In This Thread

Whats in the future 4 chip collecting I'm worried!
🎵Don't Worry Be Happy🎵
John good reply I must be more positive. Tks.
I have an 11 and 15 year
The Biggest Problem Facing Chip Collecting..
We have this WARNING; otherwise, no protection ~~~
Is that all there is.....lets go on chipping -----
Re: Whats in the future 4 chip collecting I'm worr
Age? --- I was under the impression that the ~~~
Re: Age? --- I was under the impression that the ~

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