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38 of you apparently want some of my traders

Hi. I just updated my wants and traders on the chip guide. I found 2 people that have chips I'm looking for and sent them an email via the TradeMaker system.

I then used the same tool to see who had chips in THEIR want list that I have in my TRADERS list. Lo and behold, 38 names turned green. I won't bother each of you individually, but if you want to run TradeMaker yourself (your wants vs. my traders list) and hit me up, maybe we can work out a trade or you can make me an offer I can't refuse. You don't necessarily have to have a chip on my want list to do a trade. If you have a higher value chip from a casino I've already collected from, I'm usually happy to trade for the upgrade.

Also, if you have a spreadsheet or other electronic list of all your traders, email it to me and I can quickly compare it to my own list and see if there are any matches and let you know.

Happy chippin' and tradin'!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg