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Question about distributor records

I’ve been using the excellent “Preserving Gaming History” website to research distributors’ records for when and where chips on different Burt manufactured molds tended to be used in the United States. You can see that excellent resource here;

I know that there are some existing distributors’ records, however, not included on that website. For example, I’ve been told that the Mason records for the hub mold are held at the Nevada Historical Society. Also, I notice from reading some of Gene Trimble’s articles that he has images of distributors’ records for the Square in Circle mold chips, I think from the Portland Card Company of Oregon. For example here;

Would any of you know how someone would go about getting access to those Portland Card Company chip records?

I also notice while searching the ChipGuide that some people must have access to some of the distributor records for the Rectangle and Hearts mold. For example, this illegal chip from the 1940s has the exact date it was issued;

Whose records are those? How would someone go about getting access to those distributor records for chips on the Rectangle Hearts mold?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Jeff Bass R-8515

Copyright 2022 David Spragg