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Harley’s Silver Dollar Story

I recently had a buyer who purchased a Reno Silver Dollar casino chip. I noticed his last name was “Harley” so I couldn’t resist asking him if he had any connection to Harley’s Silver Dollar which succeeded the Silver Dollar in 1962 and operated from 1961-1965. Here was his connection:

Thank you for the auction and chip. You have a good eye, Vincent 'Gerard' Harley was my grandfather. He bought the Silver Dollar and turned it into Harley's along with his brother. My father went to Reno high school and lived above the casino with his father and uncle until they sold it in 1965. I'm always on the look out for any Silver Dollar or Harley's items so please feel free to contact me with you come across any. Thanks again, Michael Harley

If you have any memorabilia you can contact him at He’s looking to connect to any collectors in the arena area

Copyright 2022 David Spragg