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When we lived in San Clemente went 4 times a week

Ed Briggs asst. Mgr. became good friend we both loved to play the horses and went to Del Mar often 197-1988 Gallagher was a manager, x- boxer at a company party someone didn't like the Irish music playing and made a big mistake tell Gallager he hated the music and Gallagher decked him, sent him to hospital and was arrested. Later bailed out and the judge dismissed the case. Nice card room with great food at reasonable prices. Now you can bet on the horses, and also have BJ & other table games.

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Oceans 11 Re-opening this Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
That used to be my home away from...
Re: That used to be my home away from...
When we lived in San Clemente went 4 times a week
Re: When we lived in San Clemente went 4 times a w
Yes, no openind date yet, leave for Pala in a few
Typo opening

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