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It was like trying to get into Fort Knox/eye exam

Only paitients were permitted in the waiting room, and upon signing in they needed to have their own pen. Body temp was then taken (ear) and then take a seat (I asked if I could wait in one of the vacant examining rooms). Though everything was fine, it was like being on the front trying to get in and out of an office on the third level. Didn't want to take a chance using the lift; not knowing who may have been in there, or if someone just left after sneezing... so I took the stairs making sure Charlie wasn't anywhere in sight. Taking this very seriously since people are dropping like flies... and I'm convinced there's a reason why.

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It was like trying to get into Fort Knox/eye exam
Knock three times and tell 'em Bugsy sent ya!
Re: Knock three times and tell 'em Bugsy sent ya!
It's all good training to fight it for this Fall
Though I make my rounds a few X per day ~~~
How Much Do You Usually Pay for ‘Cados and Corn?
These are little 'Cadoes
Yellow dent here 10 for $1 sometimes.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg