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The Chip Board Archive 24

Hollywood Park Casino New Building

Visited the new Hollywood Park last night. From the outside the casino building on Century Boulevard looks like a Used Card Dealership. Inside, the casino has an elegant look, but the tables are very close to one another. Few people were playing but if most of the tables would be in use, it would be difficult to walk between them. Various small eateries, such as The Deli, onsite, a lounge room and a high-roller area to one side. Chips? Hmmmph, that same tired horsie is still trying to run to the finish line.

The old, art-decco building is vacant and I believe it will be torn down to make way for a Sit-N-Sleep or Sam's Club or some other necessity of life for Inglewood.

The Hollywood Park has a two-story covered parking structure next to the building to replace the gigantic old outdoor lot (seagull alert! duck!!!). Online complaints said the exits were hard to find, but I found this not to be the case. Maybe improved signage was recently added. The sole exit route, however, dumps you back onto Century having to make a right turn only.

Used Card Dealers, get it? Hawww!!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg