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The Chip Board Archive 24

Tropicana's Match-play pie chips

I have to submit a set rather than a single chip for this category. Whoever ordered chips for Tropicana in the early days had a good eye for NCVs. Here are four pies, each of two contrasting colors.

Almost as nice as Jim's NCV from Riviera!

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Playin' around with my chips again... grin
Re: Playin' around with my chips again... grin
Re: Playin' around with my chips again... grin
Re: Playin' around with my chips again... grin
Re: Playin' around with my chips again... grin
Nice topic
WARNING: Put on your sunglasses grin
Riviera Gambler's Spree Action Chips...
Tropicana's Match-play pie chips
Red, White, and Blue
Playin' around with my chips again... grin
Is the Fremont $1 the only chip with black PMI?

Copyright 2022 David Spragg