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The Chip Board Archive 24

Thanks, Albert, NOW you're truly Awesome!

Clowns insulted by Obsolete stickers often sneak up on you with pies in their hand. Someday I may write a story about that and include it in "J. Eric's Unpleasant Bedtime Tales for Chip Collectors."

Messages In This Thread

Extra! New enhancement to the ChipGuide...
great addition!
Awesome Albert !!!!!!
Circus Circus Reno $1 Clown isn't obsolete
Re: Circus Circus Reno $1 Clown isn't obsolete
Thanks, Albert, NOW you're truly Awesome!
Re: Not meaning to make trouble, but...
True for Nevada chips maybe ...
This will be appreciated & loads of work - THANKS
harrahs A/C
Pete said "in Atlantic City nothing is obsoletr"
Re: try cashing in any Trump Tokens
Please Read ... What Does Obsolete Mean?
Thank You for that!!!
Re: UK pre-decimal....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg