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The Chip Board Archive 24

Server issues etc....

Some of you may know that the server was hacked last week.
It was taken off-line by my provider as it was being used to attack other servers.
Right now it is temporarily back on-line while scans are done to identify any malicious code.
I can't guarantee how long they will allow it to stay up if the attacks continue. The scans could take several weeks as there are 1.6 million files.
The hacker also did damage to the operating system that can only be rectified by re-installation which could compromise the data.
I may be forced to move everything to another server. Worst case I have a back up as at last Thursday and will attempt to make another today if I have the permissions to do so.

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Server issues etc....
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Dave, Glad we are back up and running !!
Thanks for all your work David!!
Thank You, David + Best of Luck
grin Thank you, David, for all your hard work.
Thanks David for all you do
Another website to check
BIG THANK YOU...............
Thank You, David!
Sorry you have to deal with this mad
Thanks for all you do
Big Time Thank You David
Well that was NOT fun! Thank you David...
Thank you Jim for your temp fix ...
Thank you, Jim and David!!
David thanks for all your hard work....
Thanks David....
Thanks For Your Time and Effort! Good Luck!
Good to have TCB back..
Thanks For All The Hard Work David
Re: Thanks, David! grin
yes, Thank You David for all that U do
First ChipBoard went down ...
Thanks David, great job!!!
Thank You Thank You I had crazy
Thank you David!!
Re: Server issues etc....
Thank you, David.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg