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The Chip Board Archive 24

NCR serves a needed purpose

Titles like "Look at this" or "Is this for real?" can be ambiguous. "NCR" helps us decide whether to really look.

Personally, I prefer more descriptive subject lines, or at least a description in the body of the message. Too often a message is only a link to another website, which can be very dangerous to click. I have also occasionally railed against the generic subject line "ID Help Needed." It would be much easier to search those posts in the future if they described a chip: "ID Help Needed - initials JBC" or "ID Help Needed - jumping deer."

I have been guilty of posting NCR things without the NCR notation - especially my posts about postal rate increases. I hope that, even when I omit the NCR, my subject line will be descriptive enough. I will try to be more vigilant, though, because I also think "NCR" serves an important purpose.

Messages In This Thread

NCR - My apologies for anyone I have offended with
Re: NCR - My apologies for anyone I have offended
grin I agree wholeheartedly with Mark...
Re: grin I agree wholeheartedly with Mark...
grin I agree...
Come on now..............
And maybe that guy will remember to ADD...
I agree and I doubt it. Not sure what kind of
NCR serves a needed purpose
NCR or not NCR
Roger; You nailed it!
Thanks for the kind words everyone but I without
Re: "like" grin

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