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The Chip Board Archive 24

Olympic Club, San Francisco,Ca Tokens

Here I have, I am pretty sure are tokens from the Olympic Club, San Francisco,ca. The California guide shows the same O with wings in a Crest and Seal chip. I would either like to get all 4 of the Crest and Seal chips or see if Rich Hanover would like to have these for his collection to add to his Olympic Club chips? so Rich if you are reading this and want them email me or post on the board, or if you have any extra Olympic Club chips you would sell let me know.They are yours if you want them.Torrey I have been picking up some California Tokens lately for something new to do and add to any California chips I have or anyone else interested in them that collect California or Crest and Seals,wherever they could be added to chips from the same Club,Thank you,Torrey

Copyright 2022 David Spragg