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The Chip Board Archive 24

Smiling' Greg visits Central America

I've had the Smilin' Greg chip for a while now and we haven't done much together. Earlier this month, I went to El Salvador on a medical mission trip and took the chip with me. Afterwards. we hopped over to Roatan Honduras for a few days of vacation. Below are a few pics.

Our first village about an hour outside of San Salvador. It was hot ... very hot! We saw nearly 200 villagers and the doctors prescribed them medications and eye glasses. It was a great trip.

Another shot as we visited the jungle nearby.

We stopped at a "Super 7" (their version of 7-11) store on the way back to San Salvador and Greg wanted to read the local paper. I think it was the bikini article that caught his attention!

We bought some beer at the Super 7 and enjoyed a cold one when we returned to the hotel.

Then we enjoyed another one at dinner.

My job on the mission was photographer. I took over 1600 pictures at four different villages. We developed the pictures right there and gave them to the villagers. For many of them, it was the first time they saw themselves. It was very emotional for them, and for me. Here Greg is helping out with the printers to get the photos developed.

Greg also helped out in the pharmacy for a while.

All businesses in El Salvador have armed guards at the doors. Here, at a Super 7, Greg decided to chat up the guard.

Then he chatted up another one at a different store the next day.

We went to Roatan for a few days of relaxation and Greg jumped in and played cards with us.

Greg and I booked a two tank dive one day. But before we went into the water, he changed his mind and said that he'd rather stay on the boat and have a few beers and catch some rays instead of diving.

I think he had a few too many. I knew that I should haven't have left him there alone!

The last picture is at the Roatan airport as we were ready to head home.

It was a great trip and I'm happy Greg shared it with me. I'm not sure who's keeping the list but I'm ready to send the Smilin' Greg to the next chipper. I hope you enjoyed the pictures. I think of Greg regularly and I hope you do, too.

Messages In This Thread

Smiling' Greg visits Central America
Excellent, what a great tribute...
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, cOoL vbg
Thank you Tyrus. An excellent story for us....
Very nice Tyrus
Re: Smiling' Greg visits Central America
Re: Smiling' Greg visits Central America
Very cool Tyrus!!!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg