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The Chip Board Archive 23

That Is Not What I Read...
In Response To: I Agree with the Policy ()

Jon, I think you may be basing your opinion partially on a bad personal experience you had. My interpretation is exactly what is stated in their policy. It doesn't say anything about a "mutual understanding and/or agreement." A Buyer can arbitrarily go to Ebay and say the item is not as described. Ebay's only requirement is that the Seller be contacted through them.

My point is that, from having bought and sold on Ebay since 1997, they usually weigh the scales in favor of the Buyer. I have only had one return in that time and it was a high end chip where I felt the Buyer had Buyers' remorse. The chip in that auction was an uncirculated chip, and was flawless on both sides. The Buyer did not contact me but, rather opened a case through Ebay and Ebay contacted me. Since Buyers remorse is virtually impossible to prove, I accepted the chip back in that circumstance (which, by the way, I resold at a higher price in a subsequent auction).

My point now is that Ebay seems to continually update their poicies with changes that further burden you as a Seller. Percentages they charge on smaller items are not a problem but become prohibitive when selling larger items.

I am just ticked to see that this policy update seems to continue to further shift the burdens and expenses to Sellers!

Rich Hodges

Messages In This Thread

eBay Policy Agreements mad
AMEN, Brother!
I Agree with the Policy
That Is Not What I Read...
You won't like PayPal's policy
Re: I Agree with the Policy
Re: I Agree with the Policy
Re: eBay doesnt care about sellers PERIOD!!!

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