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The Chip Board Archive 23

A HUGE Thank You to Sheldon Smith!!!

For however many years, Sheldon Smith did an AMAZING job as the Publicity Director for the CC>CC. When he took over the job, care to know how many contacts he had to work with?


He started his time as Publicity Director without a single contact. Over time, he worked his way up to having a list of over 80 people who got press releases and various other pieces of information he deemed should be sent out.

Sheldon dedicated himself to getting as much publicity for our club as possible. I can tell you, from writing my first press release, it's not an easy thing to do. I will tell you, I sweat off close to 10 pounds, I cried a lot, I rocked back & forth on the couch while scratching my forearm repeatedly - and that was BEFORE I typed a single letter.

And when the time came to hand the job over to somebody else, he was a COMPLETE class act. He gave me his contacts list, he sent me several examples; he has been sending me emails daily about how I can improve my press releases, and has been working on a time line for me on when I need to bug this person & why.

Sheldon is a true one of a kind. If I can have half as much integrity as he has, I'll be swimming in it!! I owe him, and this club owes him, an enormous debt of gratitude for a job he did very well and quietly for a long time.

Thank you very much Sheldon. I know I have VERY big shoes to fill.

Messages In This Thread

A HUGE Thank You to Sheldon Smith!!!
Thank you Sheldon & Cale!!
Here Here to both of you.
Here Here to all three of you !!!!!!
Well said. Thank you Sheldon!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg