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The Chip Board Archive 23

NCR - Yardsale item to pass to eBay ...

I picked this up at a yardsale today (probably over paid) but only intended to put on eBay in an auction format starting at $20 plus actual shipping.

If anyone is interested in doing better than that, I will receive offers until I list it on eBay tomorrow night.

Please understand, I am NOT obligated to take any offer, but will entertain any offers greater than $20 plus actual shipping.

Am I out of my element here, NO KIDDING! vbg But feel free to comment.

Thanks for looking,


Newport Beach, Hollywood, Los Angeles, San Diego, Boston and New York for the non-guitar pin.

Las Vegas, Orlando, Baltimore, St. Thomas and Paris.

These are glued onto paper.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg