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The Chip Board Archive 23

Extra! 2014 Raffle Ticket Update Extra!

To date 271 tickets have been purchased.

That means we are only 29 tickets away from my goal of 300 tickets sold pre-convention and the drawing for special incentive #3.

With 16 prize packages that means right now every ticket has a 1 in 16 chance of willing a prize !!!!!

Thanks to EVERYONE who has donated and purchased ticket.

Remember this is one of the largest prize pools EVER !!!!!!!

Want to know how to donate or purchase raffle tickets.... Here is the link.

Messages In This Thread

Extra! Donation added to the 2014 Raffle Today
Extra! 2014 Raffle Ticket Update Extra!
Extra! Extra Special Raffle Incentive #3

Copyright 2022 David Spragg