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The Chip Board Archive 23

wanted The last 10 Sahara Tahoe C&S roulettes

These are the "crest & seal" (really, plain mold) roulettes used at Sahara Tahoe in 1969. I have 10 more to go to complete the set of 63. Of these, RichH doesn't have 2 of them, so those may never be found, but would really like to fill the blank spaces marked.

Notice that for tables 1 through 4, there are two varieties with different type faces for the table numbers. The older ones are narrow (condensed), while the reorders (?) have wider numbers. In my scan, the newer wide variety is at the top, followed by the older narrow variety. In some cases you really have to look closely, as with the number 1 which is only different in the serif at the top of the numeral. The nomenclature in TCR is "Small" and "Large" for the two varieties but they are really the same type size; one is just a condensed version of the font.

I'll buy or trade for something you need.

Messages In This Thread

wanted The last 10 Sahara Tahoe C&S roulettes
Impressed!!! vbg vbg
Re: Impressed!!! vbg vbg

Copyright 2022 David Spragg