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The Chip Board Archive 23

UR getting crazy about casino collectibles when...

You know you're getting crazy about casino collectibles when you're climbing on rooftops on a cold and windy day to retrieve what you consider collectible!!

This sign is from "Dan Copper's Winner's Haven" in Black Hawk and now proudly hangs in my garage as you'll see below!!! This property was formerly "Otto's Casino at the Black Forest Inn" This building has been vacant for many years, 10+ and was purchased by the City of Black Hawk a year ago. Black Hawk also bought the old Lilly Belle's bldg. and both are being demoed for an urban renewal type effort funded by the city itself. There was a lot of hub-bub here about the destruction of the non-historic bldgs. but the City of Black Hawk presses on with their plans. Sad to see 'em go but this collector saw it coming and called the city about the acquiring the sign. I had to sign a waiver granting me access to the city owned property and was told I had 48 hours to get it because the demolition crew on their way!!

Thought I'd share, these photos are a few months old now, Enjoy!!

Messages In This Thread

UR getting crazy about casino collectibles when...
Now that's CRAZY... vbg
Now that is very cool... grin
NICE!!!!! grin
Re: UR getting crazy about casino collectibles whe
NICE! vbg
Now THAT'S preserving gaming history! grin
Way to go the extra mile Eric
Thks for saving Casino History! NICE!
Re: UR getting crazy about casino collectibles whe

Copyright 2022 David Spragg