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The Chip Board Archive 23

25 years, How Cool!

Thanks to everyone involved in the pioneering and continued building of the CC>CC.
I hope we have a lot of hype over the club turning 25 years old! This is a huge milestone and it should be huge celebration!

It is always in our heads, how do we grow our hobby and our club on our limited budget?

We can all agree that there is no silver bullet, but we have to keep trying, and trying new ideas.
The 25th anniversary could be the Club's biggest accomplishment to date, and a perfect opportunity to promote from the hill tops,
but that works itself into a real undertaking... and who would be in charge of that? Can you see where I'm going yet again...

I think the CC>CC should reconsider hiring a full-time payed Director position.
The Director would be hired by, and report only to the BOD. If the Director was based out of Las Vegas it would be a big plus.
Hopefully we will have club house/home there at some point where "they" would have their office.

This hire would not discourage volunteerism in the club as some may think, in fact a full-time Director would help to organize more opportunities
for volunteering.

I am a co-founder of a not for profit called Locust Projects, we just turned 15 last month. We started with three volunteer founders and have grown to a fairly large organization with 25+ paying board members. We made our 15th anniversary a big deal. We planned a grand celebration and it was our biggest fundraising event yet. It is not that hard when you have many people willing to give their time.

I would hope that what ever it would cost the CC>CC to pay the salary for it's first full-time employee the "Director", "He/She" would make that money up with their grant writing/fundraising. (((WE NEED TO BE GRANT WRITING))) There are many city, state and national grants that we qualify for.

1/3 of the budget at Locust Projects comes from grant writing. We also work with a PR firm, and they are well worth the money.

I know that most people here are tired of hearing critique generally, but realistically with out a full-time Director what do we expect out of the club in the future.

If we hired a Director and it didn't work out... What do we loose? What is the potential gain if the position works out?

Just thinking out loud,

Messages In This Thread

25 years, How Cool!
A slippery slope ...
Couldn't agree more, Archie...
For the sake of argument... Archie & Steve,
I don't agree, Westen, but I am just one member
I still love you ;)
Forward a link to this post to the club's VP
Westen, I WAS Interviewed on TV last year
Thanks for your hard work guys.
Re: Westen, I WAS Interviewed on TV last year
Local TV coverage
Shot Gun/ Round Robin
Re: Shot Gun/ Round Robin
Re: Shot Gun/ Round Robin
grin Thanks, Barry grin
Thanks for the link from the archive Barry! grin
Re: 25 years, How Cool!
I don't think the money is the issue...
Westen, I will add it to the agenda to discuss at
Thanks Doug.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg