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The Chip Board Archive 23

Survivor Game Update 5-8-13 Week 13 ....

Well the show started out with tree mail and with a phone video messages from family. Next followed the challenge and it was family that were on the island and they were the prize. Ended up with Brenda winning the challenge and she was allowed to pick one person to also enjoy their family member. Brenda picked dawn. This now followed with another twist as Jeff then gives Brenda the decision to make. It is her and Dawn with their family for the day or, she can give up her and Dawns family and let the other four members of the tribe have their family for the day. She decided to give hers up and let the other four have their family. After a fun day the group thanks her and decides she has to much love from all the members which will end up on the jury. Next there was the immunity challenge. Dawn wins and is safe. After a bit of chat it is time to vote someone out and make them the next member of the jury. Ends up with Brenda as the one sent packing. A blindside for her as she thought she was safe because of the generosity of letting them have their family and not her. Again, the tribe saw her with to much good mojo for being nice. This blindside had Brenda in tears and as she left she told them that they really hurt her deep down. In this game you have to be nice, but not to nice. You have to be mean but not to mean.

Tonight is the season finally so we will see how it all plays out and who wins the million bucks for 39 days of starvation and work. Best of luck to them all. grin grin grin

If you are listed on the list of chips below that I have received then I have them in the boxes ready to send out to the 3 winners. If you are not named on the list below as received then you need to send your chips to the winners.

$1.00 Pool Players
1. Stan Wigodski – Fan – Edward Fox
2. Virgil Foss – Fan – Hope Driskill - 3rd to go almost sad as Shamar I feel should go
3. Richard Jezeski – Fan – Michael Snow - 10th to go, had to be someone and he was easy
4. Paul Biggs – Fan – Laura Alexander - 5th to go, just to skinny and not string enough
5. Derek Bistricky – Fan – Matt Bischoff - 7th to go, a good player I thought just did not get his game on
6. John Zoesch – Fan – Reynold Toepfer - 13th out, had a hard fight all game long, a good player for sure
7. Rodney Anderson – Favorite – Erik Reichenbach
8. “HOTROD” - Fan – Shamar Thomas - 4th to go with a medical discharge
9. Roger Herman – Fan –Alexandra Pohevitz - 2nd to go, just part of a 4 some needed broken up so they said
10. Rich Hodges – Favorite – Brenda Lowe – 15th to go, sad but as in past shows, when you give like she did you end up blindsided, a really good player
11. Dan Cooley – Favorite – Brandon Hantz - 6th to what a hot head and I would say unstable
12. John S. Reynolds – Fan – Sherri Betthman
13. Mike Downey – Favorite – Malcolm Freberg - 12th out, a good player others knew it so he had to go
14. Gerald Nelson – Favorite – Dawn Meehan
15. Alan Borenstein – Fan – Julia Landauer – 8th to go, just to quiet never stepped up her game
16. Bill Wiegele – Favorite – Andrea Boehlke 14th out, a fun sweet gal who got blindsided
17. Andy Hughes – Favorite – Phillip Sheppard - 11th to go, blind sided as they had to pick someone
18. Ricky Pushkin – Favorite – Corinne Kaplan – 9th to go and maybe played just a bit to hard or at least obvious game play against Phillip
19. Bill Purcell – Favorite – Francesca Hogi – 1st out, maybe she strategized just a bit to early
20. Dennis Berry – Favorite – John Cochran

$2.50 Pool Players
1. Helen Fricke – Favorite – John Cochran
2. Virgil Foss – Fan – Alexandra Pohevitz – 2nd to go
3. Richard Jezeski – Favorite – Erik Reichenbach
4. John Zoesch – Favorite – Brandon Hantz - 6th to go
5. Gerald Nelson – Fan – Matt Bischoff - 7th to go
6. “HOTROD” - Favorite – Malcolm Freberg 12th - to go
7. Rich Hodges – Fan – Reynold Toepfer - 13th to go
8. Dan Cooley – Fan – Edward Fox
9. “Riverboat” Rick - Favorite – Phillip Sheppard - 11th to go
10. Michael Levesque – Favorite – Andrea Boehlke - 14th to go
11. Toni Edwards – Fan – Laura Alexander - 5th to go
12. James Stroud – Favorite – Dawn Meehan
13. Fred DeKeyser – Fan – Shamar Thomas - 4th to go
14. Mike Downey – Fan – Hope Driskill - 3rd to go
15. Alan Borenstein – Fan – Michael Snow - 10th to go
16. Bill Wiegele – Favorite – Corinne Kaplan – 9th to go
17. Andy Hughes – Favorite – Brenda Lowe – 15th to go
18. Ricky Pushkin – Fan – Julia Landauer - 8th to go
19. Bill Purcell – Favorite – Francesca Hogi – 1st out
20. Dennis Berry – Fan – Sherri Betthman

$5.00 Pool Players
1. Virgil Foss – Fan – Julia Landauer - 8th to go
2. Marty Robbins – Fan – Reynold Topfer - 13th to go
3. Ricky Pushkin – Fan – Edward Fox
4. Bill Purcell – Favorite – John Cochran
5. Robert Likes – Favorite – Andrea Boehlke - 14th to go
6. Andy Hughes – Favorite – Dawn Meehan
7. Bill Wiegele – Favorite – Erik Reichenbach
8. Alan Borenstein – Favorite – Brenda Lowe - 15th to go
9. Gerald Nelson – Favorite – Francesca Hogi – 1st out
10. Mike Downey – Favorite – Malcolm Freberg - 12th to go
11. Paul Biggs – Fan – Matt Bischoff - 7th to go
12. Rodney Anderson – Fan – Alexandra Pohevitz – 2nd to go
13. Michael Levesque – Favorite – Phillip Sheppard - 11th to go
14. “HOTROD” - Favorite – Corinne Kaplan – 9th to go
15. Rich Hodges – Favorite – Brandon Hantz - 6th to go
16. Dan Cooley – Fan – Hope Driskill - 3rd to go
17. “Riverboat” Rick - Fan – Sherri Betthman
18. John S. Reynolds – Fan – Michael Snow - 10th to go
19. Stan Wigodski – Fan – Laura Alexander - 5th to go
20. Dennis Berry – Fan – Shamar Thomas - 4th to go

I have received the chips from the following players. I am offering to hold chips for any player in any of the 3 pools. If you want I will hold your chips for any pool you entered and when the season is over I will mail your chips out along with mine to the winner of each pool. Assuming I am not one of the winners. grin . If you want to send me your chips that is fine with me, please just let me know you are sending the chips and when they arrive I will be sure to let you know I have them.
I have chips from:

Dennis Berry
Toni Edwards
Virgil Foss
Bill Weigele
Ricky Pushkin
Gerald Nelson
Paul Biggs
Richard Jezeski
John S. Reynolds
Fred DeKeyser
Bill Purcell
Rodney Anderson
Mike Downey
Stan Widogski
Roger Herman
Riverboat Rick
Derek Bistricky
Rich Hodges

if I missed someone please let me know

coming - Robert Likes

enjoy the season

Copyright 2022 David Spragg