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The Chip Board Archive 23

Get your votes in for the 2013 Greg Susong

Memorial Award!! grin The 2012-2013 nominees are (in order as they appear on the ballot):

Roy Nelson
Doug Smith
Neal Silverman
Gene Trimble

A copy of the ballot was included with the latest Casino Collectibles magazine. Please take the time to review each candidates’ qualifications and to vote for the person that you feel is most deserving of this award. David has also posted a link on the club's home page to download & print a copy of the ballot. And you don't have to send your ballot to me by snail can e-mail it to me at if you so desire. Or simply send an email note to providing your name & membership number & who you are voting for…trying to make it easy & simple for everyone!! grin

Thanks to all that have already sent in their votes & thanks to those of you that will do so soon (I’d like to have all votes in my grubby little hands by May 10th)…and best of luck to each of the deserving candidates.

Steve Bedo

Copyright 2022 David Spragg