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The Chip Board Archive 23

If you notice the cage...
In Response To: New Casino - More Photos ()

No bars. Many casinos in Nevada removed bars from the cages in the 1980's to create an open environment - however in the 1990's there was a string of robberies and casinos were required by the state to secure their cage.

The original prototype drawings for this casino the cages were separate barred windows and solid walls - it was hideous looking. I designed the cage layout, including all the cabinetry and the first thing I did was open the entire cage, which by the way made ended up making the casino designers very happy as the design flowed better.

At the current Harrah's we do not have bars on the cage, we had a real loose design at first that defined the windows - we took those out 3 years ago. At Horseshoe we had bars (quite elaborate ones) and removed them to open the cage up when we brought Total Rewards into the cage. Our Friendly Helpful scores immediately shot up 15 points on our guest surveys after removing the bars at Horseshoe.

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New Casino - More Photos
Nice, thanks. You, the owner?
Not the owner... Just a fixture vbg
If you notice the cage...

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