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The Chip Board Archive 23

Re: reservations
In Response To: reservations ()

Well that is something you would think would be on the club website but I could not find it either. So I did the next best thing - I checked the original contract. grin I did not see anything in the revised contract for this year and the original said the cutoff date was May 24th. Hope that helps but keep in mind that this year we are competing with the Electric Daisy Carnival again (something like 200,000 attendees) and we are allotted only so many room nights each night of the period. When those nights are gone the hotel probably has the right to charge the going rate which a few weeks ago was over $130 per night on the weekend. I would not wait to book your room. Remember you can always cancel if necessary.

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Re: reservations

Copyright 2022 David Spragg