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The Chip Board Archive 23

My UK finds...first my keepers

These are the UK chips that arrived today which are staying in my collection (sorry!). Some great chips here - original £1 chips and a £5 jeton from the Midland Wheel in Birmingham, an Annabelles fractional, how about the Pair of Shoes London £5 (even if it is drilled), the chips and jetons from the Strand including that great green Coral Strand jeton, and so on.

The Pleasurama chip I will show both sides of in the next scan and ask some questions!

Just so pleased to pick up these great chips for my collection.

The remaining scans to follow are for sale (offers over the next day please) or trade (Vegas $5 obsoletes, Paris LV jetons, rarer UK chips) although I know little about them and will be hoping some of you chippers who know much more than I can at least help in identifying these chips.

I will of course sort out scans for the chipguide if needed.


Messages In This Thread

My UK finds...first my keepers
Re: My UK finds...first my keepers
Re: My UK finds...first my keepers
Thanks Zhongshi
Re: My UK finds...first my keepers
Re: My UK finds...first my keepers
Whopps - these ones were the UK traders
Annablelles CIC has gone.
A rare (maybe?) UK distributor's sample chip
Here's mine...
BTW - The pink is an artifact of the scanning...
This one has been traded.
Next up - French jetons....
Re: Next up - French jetons....
Re: Next up - French jetons....
Now some jockey mold wet chips?
Royal Las Vegas Token and some London snappers
Caribbean and other foreign chips - nice Haitian
The Haiti chip is a great chip
International CIC, Casino Austria $1 gone.
Further afield worldwide chips
And finally Caesars LV and Carousel roulettes
Your "The Carousel" chip...
The Carousel = South Africa
These are the keyrings
Re: These are the keyrings
Nice ones Jason! Congrats!!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg