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The Chip Board Archive 23

Re: What Happens If the Racetrack Closes?

There is a plan that has been around since 2009 that covers all the new development after the track closes and comes down.
The original version of the plan included a new casino building down by Century Blvd near what is now the parking entrance;
a later version of the plan just revised and updated the current casino building. Since we have a new operator known for
big things who knows what we will get but the plans all have included a casino.

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Hollywood Park Casino running under new operator
What Happens If the Racetrack Closes?
Re: What Happens If the Racetrack Closes?
Re: What Happens If the Racetrack Closes?
As a Racing Fan, I'd Cry sad
You should read the lawsuit...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg