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The Chip Board Archive 23


Your monkey picture always makes me think of a story....

My father was in the Navy during WWII and was off the coast of the Philippines aboard ship. He had a pet monkey and another sailor had a pit bulldog. Pets of any kind were absolutely against Navy regulations. The monkey would hold a cigarette in his mouth like the picture you display. He would hols cards and appear to play poker when they had a game down in the barracks.

The monkey would get bored and go find the bulldog and tease him until he would chase him. The monkey knew how far to run before the bulldog would catch up and he would jump up to a brass railing where he would hang by his tail and wave his arms and legs just out of reach of the dog. This drove the dog crazy.

One day they decided to put a stop to this and put gun grease on the brass railings where the monkey would jump. Sure enough after a while the monkey went hunting for the dog. He ran to the spot, jumped up and slipped right into the dog’s mouth. After a minute of monkey fur flying and monkey screaming, they pulled the two apart. The monkey got the worst part of the deal. They knew the monkey had learned his lesson when the monkey would not mess with the dog for months.

But the monkey could not stand it one day and trotted off to find the dog. Pretty soon here comes the monkey like a rocket with the dog on his tail, Just before the dog got him, the monkey jumped up to the brass rail and wrapped his tail around it but this time he grabbed the end of his tail to make sure it was going to hold before he let go to tease the dog. That was a smart monkey!

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