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The Chip Board Archive 23

Extra! Favorite Of The Week - Need Ideas for Molds

for the past 3 months the "Favorite Of The Week" Post topic has been about a mold.

The following have been used already
My Favorite CIC Chip
My Favorite Hub Mold Chip
My Favorite HCE Mold Chip
My Favorite "T" Mold Chip
My Favorite Small Key Mold Chip
My Favorite Large Key Mold Chip
My Favorite Small Crown Mold Chip
My Favorite Large Crown Mold Chip
My Arrowdie Mold Favorite Chip
My Favorite Ewing Mold Chip
My Favorite H&C Mold Chip
My Favorite HHR Mold Chip
My Favorite SQINCIR Mold Chip

I plan on using the following over the mext few weeks
My Favorite Plain Mold Chip
My Favorite House Mold Chip
My Favorite Oddball Mold Chip
My Favorite Metal Inlay Chip

Are there other molds that people would like to see featured?

I dont want to get too obscure and feature a mold that only has a few known chips as they will get kind of boring.

I am open to ideas about other Mold Topics you would like to see.


Messages In This Thread

Extra! Favorite Of The Week - Need Ideas for Molds
Horseshoe mold? grin
Possible, Are there many chips on the Horseshoe ?
vbg Just a few. vbg
Re: Extra! Favorite Of The Week - Need Ideas for Mo
Interesting choice Alan !!!
Re: Nevada and Roulette
Good ideas Pam.
Jockey (or skier if you prefer grin )
Thats not a bad idea as there are a LOT of foreign
Re: Thats not a bad idea as there are a LOT of for
I cant think of a chip off the top of my head that
Re: Extra! Favorite Of The Week - Need Ideas for Mo
Re: rofl TCR-14 page D-2 rofl
Jim, I can read the TCR as well vbg
All kidding aside, there are a few on the list
One reply here for both of your replies...
Jim, If you could pick 3 or 4 what would they be?
Doug, no problemo...
Jim, your post prompted me to think of some ~~~
What I would find interesting/educational would be
John, while seeing chips from those molds may be
I completely forgot about the 'long thread' part ~
We are getting thousands more views than we were a
Variety is a good term; absence of monotony.
Re: red, blue, green, black...
Pam, All the others you mentioned are already on
Zigzag, rectangle/heart and flower molds...
Good ideas John
How about lumping the myriad bud jones plastic
I personally like the Tri-Club

Copyright 2022 David Spragg