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The Chip Board Archive 23

Boy am I glad.....NCR

Am I glad that yard sale season is almost upon us. I have been going stir crazy since I have not been out since November or so. During the Superbowl show I went to the huge flea market they have in North LV. Found a few things but nothing exciting except a 1 oz silver Sams Town token that I got for a few bucks over melt value. Then I went to the antique mall near AZ Charlies and found a bag of jewelry with 3 pieces of sterling weighing about 1/2 oz for $7.

But today there were two estate sales. At the first I found 2 sterling forks that weigh 3 oz for $40. The second sale must have had 200 pieces of silver but every single piece was plated. Yuck! Hopefully the weather will continue to stay warm and there will be more yard sales next week.

My project for today (after balancing the Clubs books for last month) is to check online for all of the large yard sales this year, like the worlds longest yard sale, and put them on my calendar. Gonna be another fun year and the fun is in the hunt!! vbg

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Boy am I glad.....NCR
A couple of us did the EXTRAVAGANZA Antiques Fair
Re: A couple of us did the EXTRAVAGANZA Antiques F
Re: A couple of us did the EXTRAVAGANZA Antiques F

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