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The Chip Board Archive 23

Rich, you are in all 3 pools and
In Response To: Re: Survivor Player "UPDATE" ()

as far as what do I need. Not a thing. If you win just sit back and watch your mail box for the winning chips to come in. If you loose then you will owe the winner in each pool a nice SU/new condition chip of that pools value. Just a little fun and it should not break any ones bank.

Any more questions please ask away.


Messages In This Thread

Survivor Player "UPDATE"
I'll take one spot in each pool.
Joseph, you are now in all 3 pools
You can call me HotRod.
Will do
You can call me HotRod.
Comeon folks, I want to do the
I will take a $1 spot
Roger, you are on the list
Thanks, Call me birdnest
Sounds like you and I play about the same
If you need me I will take another in each pool?
Thank you, I hope that is not necessary but
Re: Survivor Player "UPDATE"
Rich, you are in all 3 pools and

Copyright 2022 David Spragg