The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 23

The club has some prominent ANA members and we

have sent members to set-up tables & displays at various conventions. Our President, Doug Smith, spent a couple of days with some other members manning a table & display at the Dallas ANA convention. We are looking / have looked into doing more advertising in the ANA magazines (we already do some), but advertising in any publication is quite expensive.

I apologize for not welcoming you to the ccgtcc earlier, but WELCOME!! Your membership number is #R-8508...enjoy!! grin I will send your new member packet out soon.

Steve Bedo
ccgtcc Membership Officer

Messages In This Thread

Ways to promote our club/membership??
Re: Ways to promote our club/membership??
The club has some prominent ANA members and we
In addition...
Coin shows are the best IMO
Re: The club has some prominent ANA members and we
Re: The club has some prominent ANA members and we
Re: Ways to promote our club/membership??
The ccgtcc encourages all eBay sellers that are ccgtcc
How about.....
CMON Folks lets hear the ideas
It may not be feasible and....
Bumper Stickers w/Logo and Web Address??
...and a loud speaker w/ music playing ~~~~
Re: ...and a loud speaker w/ music playing ~~~~

Copyright 2022 David Spragg