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The Chip Board Archive 23

I sure hope someone buys that thing! vbg

I am soooooo very tired of seeing that pic! vbg (See, I read all your posts.)

Heck, I'm almost willing to make an offer, just to control future display of it's likeness here. rofl

I'd be happy to share this pic link with you...


Messages In This Thread

vbg While on the subject of eBay ~~~
I sure hope someone buys that thing! vbg
You should see some of Moke's Banana Banknotes grin
Caca wants to know if you meant "Mike". vbg
Yeah...! Him, too... vbg
A tempting offer, but I'm tapped! sad Heck...
The RITZ plaque is SOLD.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg