The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 23

grin NCR ~ Tuesday Humor, January 8...

Two blondes, Tiffany and Kimberly, agree to play the slot machines at the casino.

When each of them spends the allotted money, they agree, they'll sit on the bench in
front of the casino to wait for their friend.

Tiffany starts to feed the machines, which gobble up her money double-quick. And,
before she knows it, she's sitting on that bench, and waiting. She waits and waits,
but Kimberly is not coming out. After what seems like an eternity, she spots Kimberly
staggering out of the casino, loaded down with a huge sack of coins.

Seeing her friend, Kimberly said, "Hey, Tiffany... How did you make out?"

"Well, you can see me here on this bench" replied Tiffany, "but I see you hit it big-time!"

"You bet," said Kimberly, "boy, what a machine I found! And lucky not too many people
know about it, cuz it's right at the back. You just cant lose! Every time you put in a dollar,
four quarters come out!"



Copyright 2022 David Spragg