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The Chip Board Archive 23

Re: The Rand (R) was used in several places, but ~

vbg Pay attention, Mike...

Roy asked what currency the "R" was; and the answer is Rand.

Along with his question was a gambling chip.

My response was that there were several places where the Rand was used -- and instead of listing all the locations I simply chose one in Bophuthatswana as a guess; THABA 'NCHU, a town which had at least two casinos... vbg

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Chip ID Needed...Club Lerosa
The Rand (R) was used in several places, but ~~~
Re: The Rand (R) was used in several places, but ~
Re: The Rand (R) was used in several places, but ~
Re: Chip ID Needed...Club Lerosa

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