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The Chip Board Archive 22

Stanford Marching Band...

If you really want to see these guys (who are hilarious) let their hair down, they attend the UC Davis picnic day "battle of the bands" every year. (The object of the battle is to see who can play the longest... not the best. Davis wins it every year since they're already home).

Picnic Day is the largest student-run activity in the country... last year they had 175,000 people show up, and it couldn't be any more of a blast. The Battle of the Bands starts in the afternoon and usually runs until midnight. Here's a sample of the Stanford band...

They always bring an oversized piece of equipment. I was there several years ago and they brought a 30-foot see-saw. The next year they had a device attached to a drum so when you hit the drum with a stick, a huge flame shot out toward the sky. The bandleader dresses differently every year too. One year he was dressed as the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man... his baton had a huge Mickey-Mouse hand on the end. In this video from this year, it looks like he's dressed as a Samoan chief or something like that.

The famed Stanford Tree is prominent in this video too.

The Battle of the Bands is comprised of at least 6 schools. One of the things they do halfway though the festivities is divide up into instruments (all the sax players from the 6 schools group up, etc.) and roam all around the area (on both sides of a river that runs through campus) and have smaller "battles" with other instruments as they run into them. The song usually lasts about a half hour. The trombone players lie down on the ground and play with their feet, etc.

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Copyright 2022 David Spragg