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The Chip Board Archive 22

Success at ANA = Another First Place Award

I went back to the ANA Convention in Philadelphia yesterday and was pleased to see that I had won the First Place Award for my Exhibit - "A Selection of Gaming Chips with Roulette Wheel Designs". I was the only one who had an Exhibit in the Chip and Token Category, but as Archie Black stated in a post below being the ONLY Exhibitor does not guarantee a Frist Place Award. The ANA has some strict judging ruless that must be meet. As a matter of fact at the 2005 ANA I wss the only Exhibitor but only got a 2nd Place Award.

Shown below are the rusults of my Exhibiting at the ANA over the last 10 years. I started exhibiting in 2003.

2003 - Baltimore,MD - First Place
2004 - Pittsburgh, PA - First Place
2005 - San Fransisco, CA - 2nd Place - I had a chip "outside down" and the judges did not like my use of Capital letters in the chip descriptions - this keep me from getting a high enough total score to win the First Place Award.
2006 - Denver, CO - First Place
2008 - Balitimore, MD - 2nd Place - I received a very high mark from one judge but lower marks from the other judges and after a review by the "chief" judge of all the exhibits - I lost out to another exhibitor.
2010 - Boston, MA - First Place
2012 - Philadelphia, PA - First Place - I got some of my highest marks ever from 2 of the judges.

Not a bad run 7 Exhibit - 5 First Place Awards and 2 2nd Place Awards.

As you know I am from Delaware, so you can see I have traveled all over the US to Exhibit at the ANA. when I go ""out of town" I always plan a trip around the ANA so I can explore the local area and see the sights.

2012 was a double header year for me in Exhibiting as I won the People's Choice Award at the Ccgtcc Convention in Vegas and also the First Prize at the ANA. However both Exhibits were entirely different and unique. The Exhibit for trhe ANA had to be structured differently to meet thier judging criteria.

I have now won the top award for exhibiting at the ANA 5 times and I have also won the top Award at the CCGTCC Convention 5 times.

I encourage other collectors to exhibit at the ANA or the Club Convention - it is fun to do, promotes the hobby and you might even win a prize (unless I also have an Exhibit). vbg vbg vbg vbg

Take care,
Jerry "Enjoying my Success" Birl

Messages In This Thread

Success at ANA = Another First Place Award
Congrats, Jerry (ten times over vbg )
Congrats!!!! grin
Very nice, Jerry! grin
Great news Jerry
Congratulations Jerry! Awesome record!
Congratulations, Jerry. Well Done!
Meanwhile at Kiawah Island
Congrats on another great win Jerry !!!!!!!!
Re: Success at ANA = Another First Place Award
Well done ! grin
Well done! Again!!! Congratulations!

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