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The Chip Board Archive 22

Extra! for sale Jim Batten collection continues for sale

3,600 new chips have been added, comprising the non NV portion of the US collection.
Chips are organised alphabetically by state. The 180 album pages have been split into 3 sections, which you can view through the index here:

Note that in each case, there is a pdf listing available which details any unapparent varieties, UV markings etc.
As with the previous parts of the collection it is important to note that the condition throughout is generally well above average, with many chips that are usually only found well worn, offered here in superb condition.
Also note that all prices include shipping which you will see means that many chips are only being offered at face + shipping.

There are also still some 2,500 chips available from the LV, NV and Foreign sections of the collection, which you can view from the same page.

There will be a few hundred 'extras' added in the next few weeks. These comprise a few duplicates of chips that were already sold first time round, and those which did not make it into the albums before Jim sold the collection.

Email me per the instructions to purchase anything.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg