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The Chip Board Archive 22

Re: Pam, about your swizzle stick display...

The silver strike is there because it looked like it "needed" something in the middle! grin (I used rubber cement applied to the strike holder and to the foam core board to make the bond...which gave out a couple of years ago sad , now it's the swizzles that hold the strike in place!)

I used a piece of foam core board to mount the swizzles, made a pattern of circles and spokes on tissue paper that I laid on top of the foam core. Played with the arrangement 'til I found one that I liked, then used nylon thread to stitch the whole thing in place! grin One Stitch across the bottom of the swizzle (snugged up to the "ball" on the end of the stick); one stitch across the most cases snugged up to the figure at the top of the stick. After it was all stitched, I tore off the tissue paper.

Will try for better pictures in a day or two...glad you like the display, I do too!! grin

Messages In This Thread

For the "Hard to buy 4 chipper"---Look
LOL too funny
Re: For the "Hard to buy 4 chipper"---Look
Re: grin I think it's time to post...
Pam, about your swizzle stick display...
Re: Pam, about your swizzle stick display...
Thanks Pam, a really nice 'How To'!!!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg