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The Chip Board Archive 22

ebay chip scam alert!!!!

i was a victim of this scam and e-bay refuses to do anything about it.

i posted a chip for a sale lasting 7 days. two bidders immediately drove up the price of my chip to a very high amount. the same bidder then

listed the same chip on a 3 day sale. that chip went for an exceptionally high amount. after his auction closed he and his confederate

retracted their bids on my lot and my chip sold for 83% less than his. not only did they manipulate the market but for six and a half days

my chip was listed at a price nobody would ever outbid. i tried to explain this to five different customer service agents and the only response

i get was that "i dont understand how e-bay works and what they did is perfectly fine". E-bay only knows how to collect fees and gives

sellers absolutely no protection. my seller fee invoice arrives in about a week and i feel i am entitled to a credit concerning this lot but i

cannot make any headway with e-bay. any suggestions? thanks

Messages In This Thread

ebay chip scam alert!!!!
Please Post Names Of Bidders
What chip was it........
Re: What chip was it........
Re: What chip was it........
Solution-Bid on theirs an retract........
300637905447 I believe
Re: 300637905447 I believe
you don't have to complete the sale & pay FVF
Re: ebay chip scam alert!!!!
Re: ebay chip scam alert!!!!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg