The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 22

grin NCR ~ Saturday Humor (Mature)...

Flo and Hilda, two older ladies, were sitting on a bench in the park
reading their magazines when they were interrupted by an elderly
man who said, "I'll bet you ladies can't guess how old I am."

Flo looked up and said, "Take off your clothes."

He did and she said, "Turn around."

After looking him over carefully she said, "Turn around again."

The old gentleman turned around again.

At this point, Hilda reached over and fondled the older man for a
few minutes. Then she said, "Turn completely around again."

After he had turned around yet another time, Hilda looked at Flo,
then said to the man: "You're 93 years old."

He was astonished and said, "That's really amazing! How did you know?"

Flo replied: "You told us yesterday at Burger King."


Copyright 2022 David Spragg