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The Chip Board Archive 21

Terry, this thread is a little bit dis-jointed...

However, I NOT referring to the Edgewater chip, but instead the Riverside chip, which very well might be a casino issued/used NCV. Unless of course you are verifying that it is a giftshop chip. And I agree, I understand that such chips (giftshop) are to be removed from future TCRs.

I was only suggesting that if the Riverside NCV is in fact a casino issued chip, then it would be TCR listed.


Messages In This Thread

ID help
Re: ID help
Edgewater Gift Shop Chips
What about this one?
I think I can tell you what it was used for...
Here is the sister property (Colorado Belle) set..
I Thought It Was...
Not being a TCR representative...
Re: Not being a TCR representative...
Terry, this thread is a little bit dis-jointed...
Re: Hey Jim...
Be there today, I will! vbg
Re: Terry, this thread is a little bit dis-jointed
My Take, Terry...
Re: My Take, Terry...

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