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The Chip Board Archive 21

Hey Congrats!! That's a big honor...
In Response To: Can I crow a little?...NCR ()

You may crow anytime - that is GREAT NEWS!!! And remember... in the long run, while an athletic letter is quite an achievement in itself and a great honor to attain... it's usually the academic/scholastic honors that will stay with a person for a lifetime. It's all about the grades! Great job Kaylee!!! Keep up the good work. grin You should both be proud!

Messages In This Thread

Can I crow a little?...NCR
WOW-Congrats To Both Of You Guys
Congrats...My daughter is Kaylee too LoL
Hey Congrats!! That's a big honor...
Very Nice
My Granddaughter Is Kylee And She Is Special Too!
Congrats HotRod .... cheers grin
grin Congrats 2 Kaylee and Grandpa grin
grin Very nice - Congratulations!
What a combo very pretty, very smart Super
Re: Great Job Kaylee !!!

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