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The Chip Board Archive 21

Confirmed: I'm coming too! Anything I should know?

I know about the trading session on Friday night. Sadly, I won't be able to make that as we are driving in on Saturday.

But is there anything else I should know about traveling to my FIRST CHIP SHOW?

Messages In This Thread

15 Days to the Great Lakes Collectibles Show and..
grin I'll Be There! Always A Good Time! Nice Chip!
Confirmed: I'm coming too! Anything I should know?
Re: Confirmed: I'm coming too! Anything I should k
Re: Bring money!! grin
Sounds like GREAT fun, Albert!! grin
I will be there. Albert puts on a great show
cya there on Friday!
Re: 15 Days to the Great Lakes Collectibles Show a
Looking Forward To A Great Time

Copyright 2022 David Spragg