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The Chip Board Archive 21

grin NCR ~ Wednesday Humor (Mature)... 1:25 AM, EDT


Blondes are not always dumb...

Two bored casino dealers were waiting at the craps tables for players when a
beautiful blonde lady walked in and asked if they minded if she placed a bet of
two thousand dollars on a single roll of the dice.

She said, ''I hope you don't mind, but I feel much luckier when I'm completely

With that, she stripped off all her clothes and then rolled the dice while yelling:
''Come on baby, momma needs new clothes!''

She then jumped up and down, hugging each of the casino dealers while yelling:

With that, she picked up her winnings and clothes and quickly left.

The dealers stood there staring at each other dumbfounded, until one finally asked
the other, ''What the hell did she roll anyway?''

The second dealer answered, ''I thought you were paying attention!''

Messages In This Thread

grin NCR ~ Wednesday Humor (Mature)... 1:25 AM, EDT
Ah geez, probably wouldn't work for me...
David, THOSE guys need a TAZER Gun! vbg

Copyright 2022 David Spragg