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The Chip Board Archive 21

Contact Armin Pfaender

Armin is the author of the California price guides. He will give you an honest estimate of the worth of the entire lot.
Good luck with whatever you decide to do with the chips!

Messages In This Thread

four boxes of 1940s California chips
Re: four boxes of 1940s California chips
Whoever buys these, I'd like one of each !!
Re: Whoever buys these, one of each !! Me Too!
I'd love a set also
Put me down for a $1 & $5 whoever buys them
Put me on the list also. vbg
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Add me to the list too
Here are the scans
Re: Here are the scans
How much for all?
See my email, thanks.
Re: I go for a $1 & $5 maybe a $25
Re: four boxes of 1940s California chips
Contact Armin Pfaender
put me on the list one each thank you

Copyright 2022 David Spragg