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The Chip Board Archive 21

Re: The Gonski Brass Core Poker Set raffle! vbg

At the time these chips were made, the owner of the company owned the rights to the Reliable name. He also owned the Royce, Reliable Royce or any other name he decided to use at the time. Some of the manufacturing was done in Northern Calif. and some in Southern Calif. In fact there are people out there that bought chips from this company and still haven't paid for them.

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The Gonski Brass Core Poker Set raffle! vbg
Tickets sent..GL ALL
Re: The Gonski Brass Core Poker Set raffle! vbg
Elaborate please?? Thanks
Re: The Gonski Brass Core Poker Set raffle! vbg
Re: The Gonski Brass Core Poker Set raffle! vbg

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